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Ball 6.25mm/¼" Ø (Chemical Dosing Pumps) Glass






Correlates to:


Precision Glass Ball

6.25mm / ¼" Ø  

Suitable for use with

  • Chemical Dosing Valve D498741/ 614176




Glass is 100% recyclable and can be endlessly recycled with no loss of quality. New glass is made from sand, soda ash, limestone and additives for colour/special treatments. Raw materials have to be quarried, using up natural resources and utilising energy for extraction and processing.

Each tonne of recycled glass added to the furnace saves 1.2 tonnes of raw materials. Each time one tonne of glass is recycled, about 580kg CO2 is saved throughout the supply chain, air pollution is reduced by 20% and water pollution cut by 50%.

Around 71% of glass, like bottles and jars is recycled in the UK currently and the sector is working towards a 90% collection rate for by 2030. Glass is widely recycled and collected from the doorstep in many areas.

Please dispose of your used glass products responsibly by contacting your local council who will be able to advise how best to recycle your used glass products safely

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