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Antenna for Feeder Assembly




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Antenna for Feeder Assembly

Automatic cow identification is possible with installation of these antenna as part of a connected registration system.  

Our antenna’s transmits a magnetic field. Animal tags use the energy from the magnetic field to send a code back to the antenna. The antenna receives the code and then forwards this data to the management system. The management system processes the data it has received and initiates any necessary follow-up, such as indicating the animal’s whereabouts in the milking parlour and assigning milk production data, or separating animals. This allows individual milk yields to be stored and individual rations to be delivered automatically 

With an antenna and system installed you will be able; 

  • As soon a cow is identified by the system her number will be shown at the display box located at the cow’s milking point. The cow number will be replaced after the milk flow starts (only if milk meters are installed).  
  • Cow calendar data can then be entered, displayed or changed using the keyboard a display box 
  • The dispensed amount of feed will be recorded to the correct cow.  
  • If a cow enters the parlour for the second time (during the same milking), the animal will not be supplied with feed.