ACR Milk Flow Sensor 3, 12v (Goat) Grey
12 volt Goat/Capra Milk Flow Sensor 3
for ACR/ Cup Removers (Grey)
The Milk Flow Sensor 3 by Milking Solutions is a fully featured yet compact cluster removal system for cows or goats, designed with accuracy and ease of use in mind. It reduces operator workload and completes the milking cycle at the optimum time for each animal. Milking is simply initiated with a one-handed lift of the cluster ‘auto-start’ and there are no valves or switches to operate.
The single large button can be used gloved for manual override. A single prominent red LED on top communicates status and can draw operator attention if required. Modular system for ease of installation and maintenance Suitable for low line, high line or swing over installations; optional remote control/LED available when sensor is out of reach. Claw shut off valves not required due to integral vacuum valve.
Adjustable start delay, sensing times and milk flow rate cutoff to suit the herd Automatic cluster drop off detection closes shut off valve and operates ACR ram
Suitable for low line, high line, swing over or rotary installations
- Versions for cow & goat
- Automatic initiation of milking cluster
- Integral shut off vacuum valve
- No claw piece shut off valve required
- Adjustable start delay and sensing times
- Adjustable milk flow rate sensing to suite animal herd
- Automatic cluster drop off detection closes shut off valve & operates ACR ram
- Adjust delay time for EOM sensing when “drop off” occurs
- Automatic or manual selection for cluster removal
- End of milking controlled by milk flow rate through a transparent flow sensor
- Milk flow sensor is pre-adjusted to suit flow rate of animal herd
- Self adjusting to suite milking characteristics of individual animal
- Slow venting of claw piece giving a gentle removal of cluster by ACR ram
- Milk sweep feature removes milk residue in milk tubes & claw
- Pre wash facility to enable placement of individual clusters in wash jetters while others are milking
Remote control button for high line and swing over