VacReg 7000 L/min, Flat Style, Blue
Vacuum Regulator,
No Cone, 7000 litres per minute (with slave)
Vaccuum regulators are mechanisms used to control and maintain a milking system’s desired vacuum pressure. The function of the regulator is to keep the system vacuum at a preset level by responding to fluctuating air admissions into the system. They control pressure with inlet and outlet ports that let higher pressure air into the system as needed.
Our 3500 and 7000 regulators are servo-controlled high capacity vacuum regulators. The 3500 has a capacity of 3500 litres per minute at 50 kPa and operates effectively over the range 36 - 50 kPa (11 - 15" Hg). The 7000 has a capacity of 7000 litres per minute at 50 kPa and operates effectively over the range 36 - 50 kPa (11 - 15" Hg).
The 3500 and 7000 regulators are designed to conform with the latest ISO standards. They are designed to automatically maintain a steady vacuum in the milking machine in spite of varying vacuum usage. Due to the servo control and the absence of a weight, it is not essential for our regulators to be fitted vertically, as it is for weight and spring operated regulators
- The servo principal provides rapid response to changes in milking vacuum, resulting in less violent vacuum fluctuation
- Remote vacuum sensing away from the valve mechanism
- Consistent performance due to the spring being a component of the pilot valve and not the main valve assembly. Its travel is therefore less than on a spring operated regulator.
- Optional silencer (baffle) which is used to dampen sound travelling down the vacuum line
- All regulators are fitted with a paper cartridge air cleaner element for the pilot valve air supply
- Available for vacuum capacities up to 3500 Lt/min and 7000 Lt/min
- Available with a range of coloured cones (blue, grey, orange and green) or without the cone
- High stock levels carried, with swift and efficient delivery
- All parts are replaceable
- Fully Serviceable, (all spare & serviceable parts available from us)
- Manufactured from tough, lightweight modern plastics
The slave unit must be sited no more than 1 metre from the main unit. It is joined to the brass nipple on the main unit using the nylon tubing supplied. The VacReg 7000 is mounted with the slave unit nearest the vacuum pump, followed by the main unit, with the remote sensor nearest to the milking machine.